Can You Freeze Potatoes?

Can I freeze potatoes? Planning to stock them for cooking our meals for the week. We usually go to the groceries during the weekends only so I’m planning to buy potatoes and bulk. Will freezing the potatoes keep them fresh?

Potatoes are one of the most versatile vegetable crops in the world. They can be mashed, baked, boiled and roasted. Additionally, potatoes are available all year-round. Due to these reasons, potatoes have become one of our food staples around the world.

So if you’re planning to buy potatoes in bulk for your weekly meals, don’t worry because you can freeze them for storage. A simple process of blanching the potatoes can prolong its freshness for as long as ten to 12 months, and the taste will still be the same.

Can You Freeze Potatoes?

Freezing raw potatoes is not exactly a good idea because the texture and taste changes once they have been thawed and cooked. The key to freezing potatoes however is to blanch them first before freezing. Through this process, the texture and taste will stay the same even after freezing the potatoes.

Blanching is a common preservation technique that deactivates the enzymes that causes the potatoes to spoil. Potatoes will easily spoil in the freezer within three to four weeks if they were not blanched.

Additionally, unblanched potatoes when placed in the freezer, develops a sweet taste and they darken once they are defrosted and cooked. So if you’d like your potatoes to last longer, blanching is the key.

Nevertheless, whenever you take out your frozen potatoes from the refrigerator, it is always best to inspect your potatoes first before cooking. Spoiled potatoes are soft, discolored and they look withered.

Thawing frozen potatoes is quick and easy. Just place them under running warm water or in the microwave oven to defrost. Afterwards, these potatoes are ready to be cooked for your meals.

Overall, frozen potatoes that have been blanched will keep its consistent, texture, taste and color all intact. It’s a quick and easy preservation process that you need to learn because this can also be applied to preserving other vegetable crops.

How to Freeze Potatoes?

When choosing to freeze potatoes, make sure they have a firm flesh, a few bruises, and should not have sprouts. These kinds of potatoes are the best ones to freeze.

  • First, wash the raw potatoes thoroughly in your sink. You may opt to use a brush to scrub off all the dirt from the potatoes’ surface.
  • Using a peeler or a knife, carefully peel off the potato skin. If the potatoes are too big, you may slice them in a half or in cuts that you prefer. Although, it is advisable to store them whole if possible.
  • Now, we will start prepping for blanching the potatoes. Boil a pot of water over high heat. Make sure there is enough water to soak the potatoes.
  • Boil the pot for about five minutes. While waiting, prepare a bowl of water with a few ice cubes.
  • Transfer the potatoes directly from the hot pot into the bowl of iced water.
  • Wait for ten minutes for the potatoes to cool.
  • Drain the potatoes from the iced water and pat them try with a cheesecloth.
  • Grab your airtight containers or your freezer bags where you plan to place your potatoes. Make sure that the potatoes are completely dry when you store them.
  • Depending on your portion needs, place the potatoes in separate airtight containers or in separate freezer bags. If you decide to place them in freezer bags, as much as possible, push out all the air.
  • Now you may conveniently store your potatoes in the freezer. These can last for as long as ten to 12 months.

How To Use Up Extra/Leftover Potatoes?

Potatoes are a versatile and delicious food that can be used in a variety of recipes. But what do you do when you have extra potatoes? Here are five delicious ways to use up your leftover potatoes:

  1. Make roasted potatoes – Roasted potatoes are a simple and delicious way to use up your leftover potatoes. Just toss them with some olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
  2. Make mashed potatoes – Mashed potatoes are another great way to use up your leftovers. Just add some milk and butter, and mash until desired consistency is achieved. You can also add in some shredded cheese, green onions, or other spices for additional flavor.
  3. Make potato salad – Potato salad is a classic dish that is perfect for picnics, potlucks, or just a simple lunch at home. To make potato salad, you will need 5-6 cups of cooked and cubed potatoes, 1/2 cup of diced onion, 1/4 cup of diced celery, 1/4 cup of diced green pepper, 1/2 cup of Miracle Whip or mayonnaise, 1 Tablespoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper. Simply combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix until well combined. Chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours before serving.
  4. Make french fries – French fries are a delicious way to use up your leftover potatoes. Just cut them into thin strips, toss with some olive oil and salt, and bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Make hash browns – Hash browns are another great way to use up your leftover potatoes. Just shred the potatoes, and then cook in a skillet over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Serve with eggs for a delicious breakfast or brunch.

So there you have it – five delicious ways to use up your leftover potatoes. Next time you find yourself with extra spuds, try one of these recipes and enjoy!

Potato Recipes

Potato is a very versatile vegetable crop that can be cooked in various ways. Here are just a few recipes to get you started with cooking your defrosted potatoes. First off is a recipe for creamy mashed potatoes. In this recipe, you will learn the secrets in preparing extra flavorful mashed potatoes from scratch:

For picnics and snacks, check out this recipe for potato croquettes flavored with cheese. These tempting small bites are perfect for children (and even adults):

Lastly, this recipe puts a twist into your typical sandwiches. Prepare some potato tuna patties as a delightful snack for your kids:

Wrap Up

Yes, you can freeze potatoes. One of the best things to do with leftover mashed potatoes is to put them in an air-tight bag and store them in your freezer for up to 3 months. Here’s how to do it: after boiling, mashing, and cooling down your potatoes, pack them tightly in a freezer bag. Make sure that you push out all the air while sealing tightly (to avoid freezer burn). You may also use aluminum foil or freezer paper if you think that will help.

Now you know how to freeze your leftover mashed potatoes! If you have any questions about freezing this meal, please feel free to post a comment below.

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