Easy Ways To Organize Your Makeup

Organizing your makeup is time-consuming, but worth the effort. If your makeup is organized, you can quickly find what you need without digging through drawers. It keeps you from buying the same thing twice, or losing and forgetting about products.

This is a guide for people who want to organize their makeup collection. It only has two steps and I’ve also included my tips and recommendations.

Gather all of your makeup

Even if you have a very large makeup collection, it’s better to organize everything at once rather than tidying a little bit at a time. Empty out your makeup bag and look in your other bags for any stray products.

It’s best to have a plan for where you’re going to put your makeup. Clear out a space in your bathroom and make sure you have enough containers. I recommend clear acrylic cases so you can see everything easily.

Take stock of your makeup collection

Now that you have everything, you can take this opportunity to do some decluttering. Throw out any expired makeup and put aside products that you don’t like or don’t use.

For rarely used or unused products, think about whether you really want to keep them. You may be able to return them, or you can simply give it to a friend or family member.

Sort your makeup!

Now comes the hard part: sorting your collection. There are a couple of different ways you can sort your makeup. Here are some suggestions for you to try

Type: Separate all of the lipsticks, mascaras, foundations, and other products into groups. This is the easiest way, and ideal if you have a lot of different kinds of makeup and use different products every day.

Shade: If you don’t have a wide variety of products but have lots of lipsticks, blushes, or eye shadow, you can sort them by shade. Put complementary shades near each other.

Brand: If you like to try out a lot of different brands and can’t keep track of them, this is ideal. I would not recommend this if you only have two or three favorite brands that you stick to.

Purpose: You can also separate your makeup into categories. You can have a container for your daily makeup and favorites, one for your “special occasion” products. You can separate what you use for the weekend and what you use for work.

You can make any kind of category and even label your containers. I recommend this to people who have a hard time deciding what products to pick every morning. Just pick the appropriate container and choose from the makeup there.

Establish a weekly or monthly routine

Maintaining your makeup collection is as important as organizing it. It’s easy to fall back into old habits and put your makeup wherever you want. That is why I recommend developing habits to keep your makeup organized.

Here are some of the things I recommend doing. You don’t have to do everything and you can choose whether to do them weekly or monthly.

Declutter. Remove expired makeup and give away or return products that you don’t like. Take note of these products and why you don’t like them so you don’t buy any similar products in the future.

This will keep you from accumulating too many products and help you keep track of what you’re buying. Take note of expiration dates so you know what products you need to use up soon.

Put everything back in its place. Sometimes you may forget to put everything back into the right container, especially during hectic mornings. However, if this occurs every day, your makeup collection will become disorganized again.

Take some time every week (or a few times a week if needed) to quickly go over your makeup table and put away anything that’s cluttering up the surface.

Clean. This is your chance to do some cleaning. It’s always good to have a clean environment. Clean your brushes and wipe away any reside on your mascaras, eyeliners, and bottles.


I hope you enjoyed this article. If you find it useful, I’d really appreciate it if you share it with your friends or leave a comment below. Tell me how YOU organize your makeup!

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