Can You Freeze Feta Cheese?

I love cooking and one of my favourites, which happened to be my sister’s favourite also, is pizza. This is the reason why she brought me a kilo of feta cheese one time, because we love lots of it, and mozzarella, on our pizza. The problem now is that we have too much feta cheese for just one cooking session. Can I freeze our remaining feta cheese for until the next cooking session we will have for who-knows-when will that be sooner or later? Thanks!

Thank you for trusting us to answer your question about freezing feta cheese. It is indeed perfect for any pizza recipe.

Feta cheese is classified into the soft cheese category and though it may not freeze as nicely as the other harder kinds of cheese, many people have proven through their own personal experiences that it is truly fine to freeze feta cheese in order to prolong its storage life. Just always bear in mind that it is an absolute no-no for feta cheese to be refrozen after being defrosted. So it is better to portion it into desired sizes before freezing and it is also advisable to store it in its brine solution or in olive oil and into refrigeration so it won’t lose its rich flavour.

Can You Freeze Feta Cheese?

Feta cheese is a soft kind of cheese classified with other soft cheeses like ricotta, cottage cheese, and cream cheese. These kinds of cheese are best consumed fresh or in their refrigerated state, and feta cheese should be in its brine solution or soaked in olive oil for flavour retention.

A little setback though is being observed when freezing a soft cheese like feta. It could lose its tangy and natural salty flavour, but still manageable by soaking it back in brine solution before using it again.

A bit irreversible effect of freezing on feta cheese is that it will tend to lose its natural texture of crumbliness. That is why frozen and thawed feta cheese is best used for cooked rather than salad recipes.

In freezing feta cheese, the proper procedure is to take it out from its brine solution packaging and removing the excess water before double-wrapping it in plastic food wrap then wrapping it in freezer bags or containers.

You can choose to slice or dice it and portion it into desired amounts so it would be easy to use in the future. Don’t forget to label the containers with dates. Thaw feta cheese as it is in the refrigerator for 12 hours without opening its container to prevent it from totally drying up.

Freezing feta cheese will not affect its nutritive value but if it tastes sour and is mushy already, it is better tossed out for safety. Frozen feta cheese is still consumable even after about 2 to 3 months in the freezer but never refreeze any thawed feta cheese as this may cause food poisoning. Consume it within 72 hours after being thawed.

How to Freeze Feta Cheese?

To freeze feta cheese, follow these simple steps on the proper procedures.

  • Wash your hands properly and dry them thoroughly before handling the feta cheese.
  • Remove the feta cheese from being soaked in its brine solution and remove excess water by patting it with a clean kitchen towel.
  • It is advisable to cut and slice the cheese into desired sizes that will suit your future planned recipes for it. Refreezing should never be an option for unused thawed feta cheese due to safety and health hazard issues like food poisoning.
  • Wrap the sliced and portioned feta cheese with plastic food wraps then repack them into freezer bags or containers to prevent freezer burns. Vacuum as much air as possible before sealing the packaging.
  • If the cheese is portioned in cubes or diced, do the initial freezing by spreading the cheese cubes in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment or wax paper or foil before double wrapping for further freezing.
  • Label the freezer bags or containers with the current date as you packed them. These should be consumed within 2 to 3 months in the freezer.
  • Thaw the feta cheese as it is in the refrigerator for 12 hours before using it up. Never refreeze any thawed feta cheese as this may cause food poisoning.
  • Before using the cheese for cooking, check first for freezer burns and signs of decay. If it is already mushy and sour in taste, discard them immediately.

How To Use Up Extra/Leftover Feta Cheese?

Feta cheese is a delicious and versatile cheese that can be used in a variety of recipes. But what do you do when you have extra feta cheese? Here are five delicious ways to use up your leftover feta cheese:

1. Make a dip – Feta cheese makes a great dip for crackers or vegetables. Just mix it with some yogurt, spices, and herbs, and you’ve got a tasty snack that everyone will love.

2. Add it to your salad – Feta cheese is a great addition to any salad. Just add it in with your other favorite ingredients, and you’ll have a flavorful and healthy dish in no time.

3. Use it as a pizza topping – If you’re looking for a new and interesting pizza topping, try feta cheese. The creamy and salty flavor of feta cheese pairs well with a variety of toppings, so feel free to experiment.

4. Make a quesadilla – Feta cheese also makes a great quesadilla filling. Just add it in with some other favorite fillings, such as chicken or vegetables, and you’ll have a tasty and satisfying meal in no time.

5. Use it in place of cream cheese – If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to cream cheese, try using feta cheese instead. It has a similar texture and taste, but is lower in fat and calories.

So there you have it – five delicious ways to use up your leftover feta cheese. Next time you find yourself with extra cheese, try one of these recipes and enjoy!

Feta Cheese Recipes

How to Make Roasted Vegetables on Feta Cheese – Recipe in description

This tasty appetizer comprised of slices of feta cheese topped with mixed slices of vegetables such as courgette, bell peppers, tomatoes, and onions. It is seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper, and spiced with garlic, thyme, cayenne pepper, oregano and basil then oven-roasted to perfection.

Fabulous Feta Cheese Dip Recipe

It is an excellent appetizer made of soft goat’s cheese and feta cheese seasoned and spiced with extra virgin olive oil and fresh thyme then baked in the oven until it melted thoroughly. This makes a very delicious dip for breadsticks and crackers.

How to Make Puff Pastry with Feta Cheese and Spinach – By One Kitchen Episode 18

This is a deliciously baked puff pastry filled with a mixture of frozen spinach sautéed in melted butter with onions and garlic, feta cheese and grated mozzarella cheese seasoned with salt and pepper.

Wrap Up

Yes, you can freeze feta cheese. It will last for over 6 months in the freezer if stored properly. Here is how to freeze feta cheese: Remove the desired amount of feta from its original packaging. Get a freezer bag or wrap it tightly in aluminum foil. Freeze for up to 6 months. To thaw, simply put the cheese in a bowl and allow it to sit in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours.

What do you plan on doing with your feta cheese? Share your experience with me by leaving a comment below. I am always looking to hear from my readers.

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