Can You Freeze Eggnog?

I wonder why eggnog should be available only during the winter holidays. In stores, they start disappearing as soon as New Year sets in. I wanted to have this even for other times of the year. If I buy enough of it in November, will it still stay safe for consumption until summer? Can I freeze homemade eggnog?

With store-bought eggnog, you may consult the manufacturer’s directions for shelf life and proper storage of its particular product.

The general recommendation is that once opened, eggnog must be consumed within 3 to 5 days. This is true whether it is commercially processed or homemade. Freezing eggnog is discouraged because the freezing and thawing process may alter its taste and consistency. For best quality, store it in a non-fluctuating temperature of at least 4 degree Fahrenheit.

Can You Freeze Eggnog

Don’t freeze eggnog if you’ll consume it anyway within a week or so. Given the limited time-frame for its consumption, refrigeration is the only option for any of your leftovers.

Eggnog is an egg-fortified beverage. Basically, it is eggs mixed with milk, cream and sweetener. Many believe, however, that it must contain at least some booze to be properly called eggnog.

The presence of highly-perishable dairy products in this beverage, not to mention the risk associated with contaminated eggs, is much of a concern.

For this reason, most cooking specialists recommend freezing eggnog, especially home-prepared ones. The latter simply lacks the industrial processes and preservatives that protect the commercial ones from these risks.

Generally, the shelf life of eggnog depends on the manufacturer’s “consume-by-date”. Note, however, that such printed date is only the date within which maximum quality is maintained.

Anyone who has a sensitive stomach or condition such as pregnancy ought to be more cautious especially when eggnog is made out of raw eggs.

How to Preserve Eggnog

Since freezing is not advisable, the preservation of eggnog may be less concerned with its storage than with its components. Here are some tips on how to prepare eggnog that is both longer-lasting and safe:

  • Use pasteurized eggs
  • Add more booze than usual to your eggnog recipe (At least 20% alcohol content will kill any bacteria in the egg within 24 hours)
  • If you want it to be just a little boozy, let’s say, only 10%, then pour in the regular amount of liquor and “age” your eggnog for at least 3 to 4 weeks before consuming it (The longer the alcohol sits, the more bacteria it kills)
  • To achieve the percentage of alcohol that’s sufficient enough to sterilize it, use 3 tablespoons of 80-proof liquor for every egg
  • For one-year-old (or more) aged eggnog, you may leave out the dairy and add it only a few weeks before serving
  • Keep your homemade eggnog in a cool, dark spot with a stable temperature

How To Use Up Extra/Leftover Eggnog?

Eggnog is a holiday favorite, but what do you do when you have extra eggnog? Here are five delicious ways to use up your leftover eggnog:

1. Make French toast – Eggnog French toast is a delicious and easy way to use up your leftover eggnog. Just add some eggnog to your French toast batter, and you’ll have a tasty breakfast in no time.

2. Use it as a pancake syrup – If you’re looking for a unique way to enjoy pancakes, try using eggnog as a pancake syrup. It’s delicious and adds a festive touch to your breakfast.

3. Add it to oatmeal – Oatmeal is a great way to start your day, and adding eggnog to it is a great way to use up your leftover eggnog. Just add some eggnog to your oatmeal, and you’ll have a delicious and filling breakfast in no time.

4. Make eggnog ice cream – Eggnog ice cream is a delicious and easy way to use up your leftover eggnog. Just add some eggnog to your favorite ice cream recipe, and you’ll have a tasty treat in no time.

5. Use it in coffee – If you’re looking for a festive way to enjoy your morning coffee, try adding some eggnog to it. It’s a delicious way to start your day!

So there you have it – five delicious ways to use up your leftover eggnog. Next time you find yourself with extra eggnog, try one of these recipes and enjoy!

Eggnog Recipes

Why not turn your extra eggnog into Eggnog Cheesecake? The art of making cheesecake in the blender is a novel one in this recipe.

Dipped in eggnog mixture and quick-fried, this Eggnog Fried Chicken is creatively laid on a plate with mashed potato and carrot to make it look special.

Instead of buttermilk, this Eggnog Waffle is incorporated with leftover eggnog beverage. All ingredients are mixed until the consistency is coarse and thick enough.

Wrap Up

Yes, you can freeze eggnog. Freezing eggs nog will last for 9-12 months in the freezer. You want to make sure that your ingredients are fresh before freezing them (never freeze old or expired goods). Here is how it works: combine 6-8 large eggs, 4 cups half-and-half cream, 1 cup sugar with 2 teaspoons vanilla extract. If you feel like adding more ingredients like cinnamon or nutmeg, go ahead! Follow these steps for freezing: don’t let it boil, stir constantly until mixture thickens just enough to coat a metal spoon and pour into sterilized containers (leave some space at the top) and seal tightly. Make an ice bath using a large bowl filled with water and ice cubes in a larger bowl inside to let your mixture cool down before putting it in a container and transfer to the fridge.

If you have tried freezing eggnog planning on doing so soon or have done it in the past, please share your experience with me in the comment below. I am always looking to hear from my readers.

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